“The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) and Liberia Elections Observation Network (LEON) strengthen coordination for the 2023 General Elections”-Sign an MOU

Monrovia. The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) and the Liberia Election Observation Network (LEON) have agreed to strengthen collaboration and coordination for the observation of the 2023 general election. By signing this MOU, both observer groups will work together to coordinate on nonpartisan election observation and reporting efforts in the lead-up to the 2023 Liberia general presidential and legislative elections under the terms of collaboration as below:

Terms of the Collaboration

Both ECC and LEON reserve the right to independently monitor, observe, verify, and publish reports from the observation of the various 2023 electoral events. Such independence alludes to the organization’s own commitments and, interests as it relates to democracy in Liberia. However, in the spirit of coordination, both organizations will seek to collaborate on the following areas where feasible:

3.2 Information Sharing- ECC and LEON will make efforts to maintain adequate information deemed necessary or as it relates to the areas of observation, deployment methodology and reports. Both organizations will organize regular coordination meetings to provide regular briefings on key activities.

3.3 Advocacy- Included in the information sharing above will be issues related to each organization’s advocacy campaigns around electoral reform themes. ECC and LEON will share information regarding their work in election reform and advocacy. Where possible, both organizations will seek a united front on pertinent matters and will encourage other stakeholders such as political parties, government ministries, and agencies, CSOs, NEC, Media, and the Legislature as well as development partners to support their advocacy ideas/perspectives, context, and challenges before releasing statements. However, both organizations understand that there may be times when opinions and perspectives differ and, in those cases, nothing in this MoU bars any parties from taking its optional course of action.


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