Contact Us Good governance and
research institution
We are Liberia's leading Our Programs


Strengthen youth capacity to make informed choices and execute those choices to ensure a fair governance process.


Develop what is best in young people: their vision, creative power, and drive to make their society an inclusive, sustainable place for themselves and future generations.


Encourage young people to take on value-added roles to address issues that are relevant to them and that influence real outcomes.

Since 2001

We have been fostering
Liberia's political stability

Making elected leaders more accessible, responsible, and accountable to the electorates, increasing youth and women participation in decision-making processes, conducting research on citizens’ perception on the working of the lawmaker, produced publications on youth participation in local government, fostering social accountability, a legislative guide to organizing town hall meeting, a civic and voter’s education guide amongst others.

Our Subsidaries

Various programs we run at Naymote

  • 01
    The President Meter Project

    To improve public accountability and transparency in the management of the country’s governance processes under the UP-led government, the institution in 2018 established the President Meter Project; using an independent monitoring and tracking tool on the performance of governance against promises made during and after the elections.

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  • 01
    Young Political Leadership School Africa

    The Young Political Leadership School Africa (YPLS Africa) is a political organizing, leadership development and campaign training program for emerging young African leaders established in April 2016

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  • 03
    The Young Women Political Leadership Program

    This project is building an enabling environment for young women to participate in politics by: increasing community and civic understanding of gender equality and women’s right to political participation.

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  • 04
    Youth Legislative Policy Dialogue

    NAYMOTE also has a Youth Legislative Policy Dialogue to promote the culture of legislative openness and responsiveness in Liberia. Over 1000 youth leaders across Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Bong and Nimba Counties participated in 30 dialogues held since 2018 and 30 lawmakers attended and spoke at these events.

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  • 05
    The County Accountability and Advocacy Team (CAAT)

    This project is monitoring, tracking, advocating, and educating citizens in six counties for the effective management of the County Social Development Funds and publicly funded projects

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We are experts in

Promoting democratic governance in Liberia

We are a team of highly qualified managers with over 12 years of experience working to promote positive youth and community engagements in support of democratic governance and sustainable development.












Female Participation

Our latest report from the President Meter Project is now available

Our Mission at Naymote

Promoting Democratic Governance

Dedicated to strengthening and promoting positive youth and community engagement in support of democratic governance and sustainable development in Liberia.

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