Naymote-Liberia Hosts SOS Students in Commemoration of Universal Children’s Day

On the special occasion of Universal Children’s Day, Naymote-Liberia had the pleasure of hosting two outstanding young men from the SOS Herman Gmeiner International School at Naymote-Liberia offices, where they took on the tasks and responsibilities typically held by Naymote Executive Director and Director of Programs.

During their visit, Joseph Benjamin Sloan and John B. Togba Jr. had the opportunity to gain firsthand experience of the inner workings of Naymote-Liberia. They were given a comprehensive overview of the organization’s mission and vision, which focuses on promoting democracy and empowering young people to actively participate in the democratic process.

As they stepped into the shoes of our executives, the students were entrusted with important tasks and responsibilities. They had the chance to engage in strategic planning sessions.

Furthermore, Joseph and John had the opportunity to interact with Naymote staff members, who shared their expertise and experiences working towards democracy promotion in Liberia.

As they leave high school to embark on their careers, the valuable insights gained through these interactions serve as an eye-opener for them. These experiences provide them with a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by our organization and the real-world complexities that lie ahead.

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