Democracy Advancement Program (DAP)

Naymote Partners for Democratic Development is accepting applications from qualified Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)based in Montserrado, Lofa, Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa Counties to implement mini-grants under its Democracy Advancement Program (DAP). For more information on the DAP, you can check A contract will be awarded to the most technically compliant and responsive CBO based on demonstrated capacity and experience. Selected CBOs will be expected to work in close collaboration with Naymote, relevant government institutions, and other key stakeholders.

The application begins on November 6, 2023, and ends on December 6, 2023 at 5:00pm GMT.

General Aim of the Call:

The aim is to ensure that funding opportunities are provided to smaller and marginalized organizations to support the implementation of the Democracy Advancement Program funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) implemented by Naymote Liberia with the overarching goal of enhancing democratic governance for inclusive development in Liberia.

Selected community-based organizations will be provided mini-grants to implement activities supporting the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Marginalized groups (women and youth) are making demands on their elected leaders for improved public service delivery (education and health) within the project counties.

Outcome 2: Elected officials are more accountable and responsive to citizens’ needs and are making decisions to benefit women and youth across their electoral districts.

Project Duration

This initiative will run for six months beginning January 2024.

Cost of the Initiative

LRD 1 to 1.5 million

Small Grant Ceiling: LRD $ 1 to 1.5 million per CBO and 5 CBOs will benefit from the grant. Link to the Application Template

Please note that only one CBO will be selected per county.

Who Can Apply:

Duly registered and active Community-Based Organizations that are interested in supporting political accountability for national development at the county level can apply.

To be eligible, you must:

  1. Be a recognized community-based organization, women, and disabled groups with a proven record of community engagements,
  2. Have well-structured leadership in place with official letterhead and receipts books,
  3. Be a non-political organization, instead purely community-driven organization.
  4. Have records of past or current projects that your organization has implemented in the community and designated county,
  5. Provide a letter of recommendation from community leaders, the district development committee chair, and the National Civil Society Council of Liberia at the county level.
  6. Have an active social media page/Facebook or website.

Key Activities

  1. Conduct community engagement (town hall meetings) with stakeholders on political accountability for national development using Naymote’s reports to improve public service delivery (education and health) within the project counties.
  2. Collaborate with Naymote to conduct stakeholder dialogue on local government administration to ensure elected officials are more accountable and responsive to citizens’ needs and are making decisions to benefit women and youth across their electoral districts.
  3. Conduct Youth Legislative Dialogue Series on Legislative Agenda for Legislative Accountability at the county levels

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