Naymote Executive Director Praises AFL’s ‘Force for Good’ Branding (Daily Observer Edition 02/08/2024)


As part of the Armed Forces of Liberia’s (AFL) annual celebration, which is Armed Forces Day, Eddie D. Jarwolo, the Executive Director of Naymote, expressed deep gratitude and admiration for the brave men and women who serve and have served in Liberia’s armed forces.

Armed Forces Day was historically legislated on February 11, 1957, with the sole intent of paying homage to the men and women of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) who are making tireless sacrifices to maintain the security of our nation, as well as our non-active duty personnel and fallen heroes.

Each year, the President of the Republic of Liberia and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia, by Proclamation declares February 11th as “Armed Forces Day” to be observed as a National Holiday throughout the Republic.

Speaking at the 67th symposium themed “Sustaining Our Democracy: The Roles and Responsibilities of the AFL,” Jarwolo underscored the pivotal role of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) in upholding the nation’s democratic values and ensuring peace and security, particularly during elections and campaign periods.

Jarwolo commended the AFL’s dedication, bravery, and resilience in safeguarding civil and political freedoms, highlighting the recent rebranding initiative that coined the AFL as a “Force for Good.”

He emphasized the importance of this celebration as an opportunity to honor not only the servicemen and women but also their families, who endure sacrifices and provide unwavering support on the home front.

“This celebration is not just an opportunity to recognize the bravery of our armed forces, but also a moment to express our gratitude to the families who stand strong on the home front. The spouses, children, and parents, who endure the challenges of separation, providing unwavering support to their loved ones in uniform, deserve our utmost respect and appreciation,” Jarwolo added.

Reflecting on the AFL’s strategic priorities centered around defense, law enforcement, engineering, construction, disaster management, and peacekeeping operations, Jarwolo reiterated their significance in defending, protecting, and sustaining Liberia’s democracy.

He said, “As the AFL, you have the statutory responsibility to ensure the protection of Liberia’s national interests, territorial integrity, protect the citizens and residents within the borders of Liberia from internal and external aggressions, and to respond to natural disasters.”

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