Naymote’s Survey Exposes Shortcomings in Liberia’s County Service Centers (Daily Observer May 31, 2024 Edition)

Eddie D. Jarwolo, Executive Director of Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, presented survey findings on the institutional and operational capacity of five county service centers (CSCs) on Tuesday.

The event, held at a resort in Sinkor, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including government representatives, political parties, civil society, CSC representatives, and international partners such as the Embassies of Sweden and Ireland, as well as UNDP, among others.

CSCs were established across the 15 Counties under the Liberia Decentralization Support Programme (LDSP) supported and managed by UNDP Liberia. They offer various services which include the issuance of drivers’ licenses, traditional marriage certificates, birth certificates etc.

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