

Our institution, NAYMOTE-Liberia climaxed its Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop under the Young Women Mentorship and Leadership Program, held at iCampus from June 25-26, 2021 in Monrovia, Liberia. The Young Women Mentorship and Leadership training was geared towards enhancing the capacity of women to promote grassroots leadership and support women’s political participation. The event was attended...
Join us to celebrate the Legacy of Carl Gershman. He has dedicated 37 years of his life defending the cause of DEMOCRACY. https://www.ned.org/ned-president-carl-gershman-to…/   Naymote has named and rebranded its Democracy Lecture Forum in Carl’s Honor. The first edition of the Carl Gershman Democracy Lecture Forum will be at the iCampus from 11:00 am to...
We are excited to announce that the Young Women Mentorship Program in collaboration with The National Young Women Political Council of Liberia will host a 2 days Training of Trainers workshop for the second Cohort of mentees from June 25-26, 2021 at ICampus, Snapper Hill, Liberia.   The program will introduce young women to innovative...
Our institution NAYMOTE-Liberia with funding from UNDP Liberia has began the rollout of its project “Advancing Civic Engagement on Benefits and Support for LGA 2018” with a townhall meeting on the Local Government Act being at the Bong County Women Center in Gbarnga, Bong County. Cross section of citizens including Hon. Esther Walker, Superintendent, Bong...
Eddie D. Jarwolo, a Liberian civil society leader and a social activist has completed a week-long engagement visit to Sierra Leone seeking collaboration and partnership on sustaining the democratic values the region and the continent is enjoying. The visit reflects a firm commitment by a regional citizen’s urge for stronger democratic values and increased citizen participation in the governance of...
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