- Institutional Background
The platform is an initiative of Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, a good governance and research institution working to promote democracy, transparency, human rights, and participatory governance in Liberia. NAYMOTE believes that a purposeful and effective civil society is needed to set the national policy agenda, stimulate sound and healthy grassroots response to governance issues, and influence the uneven power dynamics that characterize the relationship between Liberia’s citizens and government.
Since its establishment in 2001, NAYMOTE has initiated several programs to foster political accountability in an effort to make elected leaders more accessible, responsible, and accountable to the electorates; build the capacity of local leaders to be more effective in the delivery of essential government services, build the capacity of young people to contribute to the formation of a new generation of leaders that would be accountable, responsive and accessible to the needs and interest of their citizens and help to shape the future of their country through the Young Political Leadership School Africa, etc.
- Background to the Call
Liberia reported its first COVID-19 case on March 16, 2020. By April 28, 2020, there were cumulative, one hundred and thirty-three (133) confirmed cases have been recorded with 29 health workers, a total of 16 deaths have been recorded, of which, one (healthcare worker) occurred in the Treatment Unit and 25 recovered cases, one thousand four hundred thirty-four (1434) contacts including 246 health workers have been documented.
This is alarming and as an institution, we are allotting funds to innovate and lead through our networks and communities.
Our Ebola experience: community ownership and citizen participation were the silver linings of Liberia’s EVD response and success story. This project is designed to increase grassroots response to the fight against COVID-19, enhance community engagement and ownership through empowering community structures, networks, and linkages. The approach should be adaptive and supports community resilience.
- Eligibility
Are you an active community-based organization, influential, well-structured, and interested in helping to create awareness to eradicate the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in your community? We want to hear from you.
NAYMOTE is welcoming applicants with innovative and creative ideas on creating awareness on the importance of hand-washing, social distancing, signs, and symptoms of COVID-19, encouraging citizens’ adherence to the National Health Protocol, and why citizens should always call 4455 if they or someone in their community feel sick.
If you are an active Community-Based Organizations, Community Health Committees, the District Development Committee and Local Women Community Based Advocacy Groups and interested in contributing in the response process to eradicate the Coronavirus in your communities you are encouraged to apply for a small grant to support your intervention efforts to respond to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
- Recognize community-based organizations (CBO, CHC, DDC, etc.) with a proven record of community engagements,
- Well-structured leadership in place with official letterhead and receipts books,
- None-political organization (purely) community-driven organization,
- Records of past or current projects that interested organization has implemented before in the community,
- A letter of recommendation from community leaders, district development committee chair, and the county health team.
- Active social media page/Facebook
Grant Ceiling: LD $ 25,000.00 Application begins on April 28, 2020- and end on May 8, 2020, at 5:00 pm.
General Aim of the Call: To support innovative and creative projects that contribute to responding to the eradication of COVID-19 in Montserrado County.
If you need additional information or clarity, please email information info@naymote.com. The concept note will only be considered through the below template. The process is free and selected organizations will be notified once their application has been received. Payment to selected organizations will starts on May 4, 2020. The process will be competitive, free, and fair. Please ensure you have a very innovative and creative idea.
Note: Interested organizations should be based in Montserrado County and should send a concept note detailing background, activities plan, specific objectives, strategies, expected outcome and, sustainability strategy using the below concept note template, as well as submit a budget and supporting documents through info@naymote.com.
Link to Concept Note Template: https://tinyurl.com/y76be3jy.