Naymote Partners for Democratic Development is accepting applications for its Community Action Platform Against COVID-19 Project, Phase 2.
General Aim of the Call:
The program aims to support innovative and creative projects to stop COVID19 transmission, promote peacebuilding and social cohesion in Montserrado, Nimba, Margibi and Grand Bassa Counties with support from UNDP through Peacebuilding Office.
The project is expected to educate citizens on adhering to the State of Emergency, Health Protocols, and improve the relationship between security forces and communities in enforcing the State of Emergency and Health Protocols.
Small Grant Ceiling: LD $ 60,000.00 per project and 20 CBOs will benefit from the grant.
The application begins on June 30, 2020, and ends on Friday, July 10, 2020, at 5:00 pm GMT. Link to concept template
Who Can Apply:
If you are an active Community-Based Organization, Women and Disabled Groups interested in supporting national efforts to stop COVID-19 transmission in your community, promote peace and ensure social cohesion you are encouraged to apply for a small grant.
To be eligible, you must
- Be a recognized community-based organization, women and disabled groups with a proven record of community engagements,
- Have well-structured leadership in place with official letterhead and receipts books,
- Be a non-political organization, instead purely community-driven organization
- Have records of past or current projects that your organization has implemented before in the community and designated county,
- Provide a letter of recommendation from community leaders, district development committee chair, and the county health team.
- Have an active social media page/Facebook or website
- Submit an innovative technical proposal and budget before the deadline.