May 2021


Are you a female between the ages of 18-35 years living across the 15 counties of Liberia? Have you recognized a social problem in your community or county that you want to tackle or you are interested in becoming a leader, grassroots organizer, a social activist, a campaigner for women inclusion in governance and political...
Our institution NAYMOTE-Liberia Community Justice Advisors (non-lawyers) are doing an amazing job and expanding engagements across Montserrado and Bong counties, they are working in 120 communities, raising awareness on the rule of law, fundamental rights and how to access justice, as well as resolving civil cases. They are engaging and educating citizens through door-to-door awareness,...
Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, the implementer of the President Meter Project tracking the President’s promises to the people and citizens of Liberia has tracked 32 new promises during the president’s recent nationwide tours. This brings the total promises to 145 including those promises made before and after taking office in 2018. Cumulatively tracked promises...
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