USAID-Liberia Accountability Voice Initiative (LAVI and the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Coalition has launched an information gathering report focused on the management and monitoring of the County Social Development Fund. The report is geared towards increasing public awareness among citizens and policy-makers to lay the...Read More
The Liberia National Police (LNP) Commissioner for Training and Man Power Development, Dao R. Freeman has called on Liberians to put their difference aside in this post elections era and come together to move the country forward. Speaking to reporters at the end of a...Read More
The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) has awarded a one-year grant in the amount of US$141,810 (One hundred and forty-one thousand eight hundred and ten United States dollars) to Naymote Partners for Democratic Development. The general objective of this project is to contribute to...Read More
Ahead of the October 10 elections, Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has expressed deep concern by the growing wave of hate speech and political violence in Liberia. These unfortunate developments, according to Naymote, pose distinct threats to the holding of peaceful, free, and credible elections...Read More
The administration of President George Weag has been warned that the ongoing bicentennial celebration is being held within an environment of high inequality, unemployment, political corruption, and mass poverty among the people of Liberia. The bicentennial, which the government has invested a lot in since...Read More