News Stories (2022)

Naymote Congratulates Liberia on Bicentennial Celebration

Liberia: 169 Promises, Only 11 Fulfilled – NAYMOTE Releases Pres. Weah Four-Year Performance Report

News Stories (2021)

NAYMOTE launches young political leadership school

Sierra Leone Vice Pres. Dr. Mohammed Jalloh to deliver key note address at Naymote YPLSA program

Public Confidence in LNP Is Up, NAYMOTE Says

NAYMOTE: ‘Confidence in AFL Increases’

Naymote and the LIS in a joint release urge Pres. Weah to fast track the passage of the RSB

Naymote strengthens Civic Engagements in Bong County

Naymote YPLSA receives over $140K grant from OSIWA

Naymote Executive Director ends weeklong engagement in Sierra Leone

The Young Women Mentorship Climaxes its TOT Workshop

NAYMOTE Celebrates the Legacy of Carl Gershman

The Young Women Mentorship Program to Hosts a TOT Workshop

NAYMOTE Advances Civic Engagement on Benefits and Support for LGA 2018

Telling the NAYMOTE Story in Advancing Democracy and Good Governance

Young Women Mentorship Program Mentees Recruitment Ongoing

NAYMOTE Hosts a Local Government Act Training for Young Women

NAYMOTE Hosts a Training on the Local Government Act

Call for Application for Young Women Leaders

NAYMOTE Applauds their Community Justice Advisors

President Weah Makes Additional 32 Promises on His Recent County Tour

NAYMOTE Advances Justice, Rule of Law and Peacebuilding in High Schools

NAYMOTE Calls for Political Tolerance

NAYMOTE Releases the Legislative Accountability Report

Enhancing Citizens Understanding of the Rule of Law

The Carter Center Rule of Law Training

Meet NAYMOTE’s New Partner – The Carter Center

Vacancy Announcement for Program Managers and County Supervisors

Vacancy Announcement for CJAs (Non-Lawyers)

NAYMOTE Releases the President Meter Project 3 Years Report

GNN Liberia Awards NAYMOTE as NGO of the Year

NAYMOTE Releases the President Meter Project 3 Years Report

          News Stories (2020)

NAYMOTE Donates L$300,000.00 for Women Political Participation

NAYMOTE Progress Narrative Report, COVID19.01 Response

NAYMOTE Ends Virtual Conference on Strengthening Democracy

NAYMOTE Disburses L$1.6M for COVID-19 Response to CBOs and Others

NAYMOTE Disburses Small Grants to CBOs for COVID-19 Response

NAYMOTE Announces LD$1M Grant for Grassroots Response Against COVID-19

NAYMOTE Expresses Concern Over NEC’s Declaration that it has not Receive ‘A Dime’ for Midterm Senatorial Elections

NAYMOTE’S Updates Identify Gaps of Accountability, Transparency in Government

NAYMOTE Ends 2-Days Legislative Advocacy, Political Engagement Training

NAYMOTE: So Far, President Has Fulfilled Only 7 out of 92 Promises

NAYMOTE Official Press Statement on the Release of President Weah’s Performance Against Promises Made in Two Years

News Stories (2019)

Liberia: Naymote Begins Inter-Universities and Colleges Debates on the Local Government Act in Montserrado, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties

NAYMOTE Releases ‘President Weah’s Performance Against Promises Made in One Year’

Pro-Democracy Group Reveals Gov’t Ignoring AntiGraft Promises

NAYMOTE Releases One-Year Report on President’s Meter Project

Liberia: NAYMOTE Urges Lawmakers To Be ‘More Accessible, Responsive and Accountable’ to Constituents

Liberia: Bong Residents Hail NAYMOTE for Creating Awareness on the Local Government Act

NAYMOTE Releases Legislative Accountability Project Report 2019, Tracks Legislative Campaign Promises

NAYMOTE Takes Local Gov’t Act Awareness to Bong

NAYMOTE Releases First Legislative Accountability Report

                      News Stories (2018)

Liberia: Naymote Releases 270 Days Report on Government’s Performance

NAYMOTE Releases 270 Days Report on Government’s Performance On Promises

NAYMOTE: 4 out of 85 President Weah’s Promises Completed So Far

‘Liberia Not in Right Direction’ – NAYMOTE Governance Survey Finds

Naymote Survey Grades Gov’t Performance As ‘Very Poor’ While AFL Tops Security Sector With 93% Trust From The Public

Liberia: ‘Weah’s Campaign Promises Must be Fulfilled’ – Dean of Law School

NAYMOTE Legislative Engagement Goes to Bong, Nimba Counties

UNMIL SRSG Keen on Youths Political Effectiveness

NAYMOTE Takes Law, Justice Education to Students

NAYMOTE Intensifies its Role in Justice Program for Students

NAYMOTE Ends Youth Capacity Building Training Workshop

‘We Did Not See True Representation in the 52nd and 53rd House’ – NAYMOTE

                                                       News Stories (2017)

NAYMOTE Hosts Peace Jamboree to Mitigate Electoral Violence

As National Elections Schedule For October 10, Naymote To Hold Youth Peace Jamboree On Monday

IBIS and partners launch Ebola Response Programme

Liberian Youth Leading Efforts to End Ebola Crisis

Using Community-led Initiatives to Fight Ebola in Liberia

Liberia: Naymote’s Bus Volunteers Support National Campaign

NAYMOTE Equipped to Effectively Communicate; Thanks to OSIWA.

West Africa: A Call for Appointment of ECOWAS Special Envoy on Ebola

Liberia: Ahead Midterm Elections, ECC Trains Campaign Violence Monitors

Liberia: 250,000 Youth Voters Targeted for 2014 Special Election – NEC Boss Discloses

Liberia: NAYMOTE Ends Training for 50 Civic Voters Peer Educators in Bong County

Liberia: Local Empowerment – Chiefs Get Certificates in Government Administration

Liberian ‘Bus’ Project Launched