Young Political Leaders Working Together Beyond Borders

Our institution Young Political Leadership School embarks on its second semester training beginning August 8-12, 2016.
75 young political leaders are drawn from cross sections of political parties, university student leaderships and community-based organizations that are passionate about improving Liberia’s democracy and electoral politics through effective youth leadership and participation. Participants will undergo 5 days intensive training in Campaign Planning, Message development-Creating Powerful and Persuasive Messages, Becoming a Powerful Communicator, Citizen Engagement, Participatory Decision-Making, Leadership Styles and Skills (what make a good leader?),. Participants will also participate in a Mock Election Campaign Event, etc.

So excited! Applications hit over 200 beyond expectations with 75 outstanding applicants selected. Great teamwork, fantastic applicants, awesome organizers. Our trainers are well prepared with local and international experiences. We are so happy that we are getting there…

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