On October 19, 2020, NAYMOTE-Liberia in commemoration of the World Youth Day for Democracy, held a coffee shop discussion at the Nelson Mandela Intellectual Forum in Brewerville City to remind citizens on the benefits of democracy and celebrate young people contributions to sustaining democracy in Liberia. The World Youth Day for Democracy is a global event held to celebrate young people contributions to democracy and their participation in civic and political processes on every year, October 18.


Mallias Z. Sheriff, Assistant Minister for Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) at the Ministry of Youth and Sports led the discussions. The event brought together 40 young political leaders, student and community youth leaders from across Montserrado County, and held under this year’s global theme #DemocracyEmpowerAll.
The program was intended to remind young people about the benefits of democracy and also to celebrate the contributions young people have made to drive democracy in Liberia. As a result of engagements, participants at the program reaffirmed their commitment to drive democracy in Liberia and peacefully participate in Liberia’s upcoming Special Senatorial Elections and Referendum on December 8, 2020.

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