Naymote hosts a National Reconciliation Conference

Our institution Naymote Partners for Democratic Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and United Nations Development Programme will convene a national reconciliation conference at the Gbarnga City Hall, Bong County from 3-4 December 2020.
His Excellency, Dr. George M. Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia is expected to deliver Keynote Address, while His Excellency, Dr. Kingsley Armaning, UN Resident Coordinator is expected to deliver special statement at the opening session. Remarks will be done by Hon.Varney A. Sirleaf, Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Mr. Edward K. Mulbah, Executive Director, Liberia Peacebiildng Office. Other dignitaries, ambassadors, CSOs leaders, county officials, local leaders, women and youth leaders expected to attend.
The conference will be held under the theme: “Enhancing Local Voices for Peace and Reconciliation at National and Local Levels”. At the conference, 15 Counties Consolidated Peace and Reconciliation plan will be presented.

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