(September 17, 2020) Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has made available L$300,000.00 to support grassroots initiative to increase women political participation in the midterm senatorial election and the national referendum on December 8, 2020. The program will be implemented across the 15 counties working through...Read More
We at NAYMOTE-Liberia are contributing to the formation of a new generation of young female leaders that could bridge the gap in male dominated society. It is said that when women play an active role as decision makers, the economic and social well-being of their country thrive...Read More
Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has intensifies its awareness on local governance and accountability. These events were designed to improve public resource management and reduce corruption by making public servants and political leaders accountable to their people. NAYMOTE believes engaging citizens in local governance improves...Read More
The Democracy Lecture Forum Seventh Edition Time: September 8, 2020 10:25 AM West Central Africa Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92538778738. Is democracy the foundation on which open, stable and prosperous societies thrive? Why does it matter and what does it mean for you? Join us via...Read More