Women Leadership & Political Participation Training for Liberian Female Aspirants and Political Activists. Are you a female aspirant for Liberia’s 2017 general election or are you interested in becoming a campaign manager? Do you want to increase women representation at the level of the legislature, win elections based on issues as well as participate in...
NAYMOTE strategy to engage traditional leaders in the Voter Education Process is working well in southeastern Liberia. The traditional authority is the leader of his people and despite the decline of chieftaincy as an institution; traditional authorities still command great influence in their areas of jurisdiction. NAYMOTE has integrated traditional leaders in the implementation of...
Realizing that voters’ registration is a highly complex process as much as it is the single most extensive activity within the framework of elections; NAYMOTE with support from UNDP has identified in partnership with the local National Elections Commission Magistrates 12 influential community based organizations within Maryland, Grand Kru and Rivergee Counties to conduct the...
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