Aronnic the facilitator

Mr. S. Aaron Weah-Weah has 5 years of working experience as a youth activist and the Program Associate of one of Liberia’s progressive youth advocacy and pro democracy group. Aaron is responsible to help develop project proposals and implement programs geared toward informing and ensuring young people and marginalized group’s participation in Liberia’s democratic political processes.

He brings to the great NAYMOTE’s family his immense community mobilization and networking skills drawing experiences from years of his service as a school and community volunteer, an extensive knowledge on youth participation, strategic thinking and tactical innovation skills, campaign violence monitoring and elections observation. He has participated in several international and local trainings, seminars, conferences (Africamp) and brainstorming forum on youth empowerment.

With reference to international exposure, Aaron has traveled to South Africa, Swaziland, Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia and Sierra Leone attending international forum, conferences and academic trainings.

Aaron is full of energy to work under pressure and hazardous conditions not disregarding his spirit of a great team builder and team worker who can go at almost any length to see his team a winner. His famous quote is barrowed from the late Indian Political Spiritual Leader Mohamed Gandhi which says “Whatever we do as a people may seems insignificant, but it is most important that we do it”.

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