The Carter Center ROL Training Ongoing

The Carter Center Liberia through its Rule of Law (ROL) Program – Liberia has concluded day one of its 2021 National Community Justice Advisors (CJAs) Project Training that is expected to end on Saturday, February 27, 2021 with lots of excitements and capacity building topics. NAYMOTE-Liberia is proud to benefit from the Carter Center training as a partner.

The opening session was graced by Hon. Anthony Sheriff, Assistant Superintendent for Development-Bong, Hon. Lucia Herbert, City Mayor, Hon. Mary Lartey, Paramount Chief etc. Welcome and introductory remarks was delivered by Sash N’Tow, Program Lead-The Carter Center Rule of Law Program, Liberia while James Dorbor Jallah, Country Representative, TCC made remarks about TCC Access to Justice project.


The training seeks to enhance the capacity of 6 partners (NAYMOTE, SEWODA, CAMP for PEACE LIBERIA, Survivors Aid International Liberia SAIL, Inc., CODRA Liberia, and National Commission of Justice, Peace and Caritas) who were recently awarded grants as they prepare to roll out a series of “Access to Justice Programs” across eight of Liberia fifteen political subdivisions. CJAs and Project Staff were drilled through a series of topics including Awareness Raising Strategies, Communication Skills, and Roles and Responsibilities of CJAs to enable them effectively provide free legal information and dispute resolution services to citizens.

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