As part of our institution’s effort to increase citizens’ understanding of the Local Government Act, our institution brought together 30 young women leaders, activists and advocates for a one-day local government training held at the ICampus on May 26, 2021 in Monrovia. The Overall Goal of the training was to increase young women understanding of the Local Government Act, their benefits and civic obligations towards the implementation act as well as motivate them to become drivers of the LGA decentralization change process.
Making special remark at the opening of the training, the program manager of the Liberia Decentralization Support Program at the UNDP, Mr. Augustus Zayzay Jr. provided a brief understanding of the of the LGA focusing on the County Council and administration, their duties and function, the role of young people in the LGA as well as the role and support of the central government to the LGA.
Additionally, our Program Manager, Madam Peace Thor Mahteh-Boyee facilitated a session on the overview of the Local Government Act, its Structures, mandates and authorities and as well as the importance of the decentralization of government.
Meanwhile, a session on digital communication for advocacy and women political participation was facilitated by the Executive Director of the Dinidari Foundation in Nigeria, Madam Benedicta Ndi Kato. Madam Kato drilled our participants through the importance of women political participation using digital communication.
We were glad to have Madam Benedicta Ndi Kato, to encourage the young women on Digital communication for advocacy and women political participation.
It was a great learning experience as the participants asked questions and were motivated to take advantage of the LGA and increase advocacy.