1. Introduction:

Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, hereafter referred to as the “Cooperation Partner” wishes to engage the services of an audit firm for the purpose of auditing the institution Democracy Advancement Program (DAP), as stipulated in the agreement between the Cooperation Partner and SIDA. The audit shall be carried out in accordance with International audit standards (ISA) issued by the International Auditing and Assurances Standard Board (IAASB).


2. Objectives and Scope of the Audit:

The objective is to audit the institution financial report for the period (2022 September 1 – 2023 August 31) as subject to SIDA and to express an audit opinion according to ISA, applying ISA 800/ISA 805, on whether the financial report of the Democracy Advancement Program (DAP) is in accordance with the Cooperation partner’s accounting records and SIDA’s requirements for financial reporting as stipulated in the agreement including appendices between SIDA and Cooperation partner (Agreement).


3. Qualification of the Audit Firm:

Auditing firms need to meet certain criteria to be considered qualified for this role. Here are some key qualifications and considerations:

  • Professional Accreditation and Licensing: The auditing firm should be legally registered and licensed to perform auditing services in Liberia, be in good standing with the Liberia Institute of Certified Public Accounts (LICPA) and member of other recognized professional accounting body and complying with their standards and regulations.
  • Relevant Experience: The auditing firm should have atleast four years experience in performing independent audit of entities within the nonprofit sector and public sector, and in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).
  • Independence and Objectivity: The auditing firm should demonstrate independence and objectivity in its auditing process. This means it should not have any financial or personal interest in the institution, which could compromise its ability to provide an unbiased assessment of the organization’s financial statements.
  • Skilled Audit Team: The auditing firm should assign skilled and experienced staff to the carryout the institution audit. This team should have the expertise with ISA or INTOSAI standards to assess the NGO’s financial statements, internal controls, and compliance with relevant regulations.
  • Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct: The auditing firm should adhere to strict ethical standards and a code of conduct. This ensures that the firm’s actions align with professional ethics and that its staff maintains the highest level of integrity.

4. Audit Cost :

The audit will be affordable in price and will cover all costs associated with the work. The payment term shall be agreed upon between the Cooperation Partner (NAYMOTE) and the audit firm. However, payment will be given in two segmets, with the ultimate sum becoming payable following the assignment’s successful completion and the submission of the final report in accordance with the TOR detailed in the contract.

5. Application Requirements:

  • Most recent business registration certificate
  • Most recent tax clearance
  • Article of incorporation
  • Curriculum vitae of the head of the firm of auditors responsible for signing the opinion.
  • Curriculum vitae of key personnel proposed as part of the audit team
  • Provide three (3) references of previous audits conducted by the auditing firm and proposed staff

Note :

All interested auditing firms are encouraged to submit their complete applications/ proposals with certified copies, and requested documents through the following e-mail address: info@naymote.com or info@yplsa.org.

Audit scope, qualification criteria and application requirements can be found here https://tinyurl.com/mpjbrjc8.



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