Naymote-Liberia in a Townhall with Youths of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County

The Fair Ground Community in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County witnessed an eventful visitation this week by Naymote-Partners for Democratic Development with support from Sweden Sverige. The objective was to interact with and gather inputs from the active participation of members of the Bassa Youth Caucus regarding their insights on the President Meter Report

Naymote-Liberia whose contributions and support remain crucial to advancing political accountability, governance and democracy in Liberia, recognizes the specific contribution of all actors in upholding the basic principles of democracy and the social contract between the electorates and their elected officials, in view of this, has decided to continue a Townhall meetings with voters in many parts of the country prior to the October Presidential Elections, enlightening them on their rights to vote and hold responsible the elected officials to their campaign promises.

President George M. Weah was elected in 2018 to a presidential term of six years by the Liberian people. Prior to his election, the president and his party, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) made a lot of campaign promises to electorates that number 292 promises with the fulfilment of only 8% (24 promises) and 31% (91 promises) is still ongoing.

Naymote-Liberia is asking all electorates to hold their leaders, President and Legislators responsible for inability to fulfill the promises made to them prior to their election to office.

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