Liberia: Naymote’s Executive Director Jarwolo Rallies African Youths to Champion Change Following Transformative Leadership Training (Frontpage Africa – September 1, 2023 Edition)

MONROVIA – The Executive Director of Naymote Partners for Democratic Development, Eddie Jarwolo has urged graduates of the Young Political Leadership School Africa (YPLSA) Cohort 10 to allow their integrity to be their beacon as they return to their respective communities.

YPLSA, a program aimed at nurturing emerging young African leaders in political organization, leadership development, and campaign training, is orchestrated by Naymote Partners for Democratic Development with substantial support from its partners.

Jarwolo shared his insights at the end of the intensive week-long YPLSA training, organized by Naymote Partners for Democratic Development in collaboration with its partners.

Liberia: Naymote’s Executive Director Jarwolo Rallies African Youths to Champion Change Following Transformative Leadership Training

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