Liberia’s YPLS Alumni Gets L$570,000 for Post-Election, Civil Engagement (Daily Observer Edition 03/01/2024)

In a significant move towards enhancing civic engagement and democratic participation in Liberia, Naymote, a leading civil society organization, has disbursed a grant totaling L$570,000.00 to alumni of the Young Political Leadership School of Africa (YPLS Africa) Liberia’s chapter.

The grant is part of Naymote’s ongoing efforts to support post-election initiatives and foster active citizenship among Liberian youth.

Eddie Jarwolo, Executive Director of Naymote, commended the alumni for their invaluable contributions to the peaceful conduct of the recent elections.

“So, we want to appreciate you, and we know that what you are doing will sow a seed that will germinate for the betterment of Liberia. This money is basically for you to contribute to our democratic process,” Jarwolo said.

He emphasized the crucial role of young people in shaping the country’s democratic future and urged them to continue their active involvement in civic affairs.

Jarwolo highlighted the significance of the grants in promoting sustained citizen engagement beyond the electoral process.

He added, “We have six persons currently working as interns at the legislature, and today we are going to have an engagement with you where you guys are going to be directly involved in creating awareness and helping people sustain peace by making sure that our democracy can deliver and the voices of young people and ordinary people can be heard.”

The funds, provided through Naymote’s Democracy Advancement Program (DAP) with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), are earmarked for activities to enhance democratic development across Liberia.

Alphia Faith Kemokai, YPLS Africa Program Manager at Naymote, emphasized the organization’s commitment to supporting alumni beyond their training.

“This is a regular thing that we do for our alumni. We don’t just train people and let them go. We work with you so that all of the lessons you learned and how you can impact society and make the change that we all want to see,” Ms. Kemokai explained.

She reiterated Naymote’s dedication to empowering young leaders and facilitating their meaningful participation in governance and societal transformation.

The grants were formally presented to the YPLS Africa Alumni by Joshua Cleon, Deputy Program Manager at Naymote. Cleon underscored the importance of utilizing the funds for initiatives that promote citizen awareness, government accountability, and community development.

In response, Jethro S.K. Harris, Chairperson of the YPLS Africa Alumni Post-Election Civil Engagement, expressed gratitude to Naymote for its continued support.

He outlined the objectives of the post-election engagement, which include raising awareness about citizens’ rights and responsibilities, government promises, and the fight against drug abuse.
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