Naymote Hosts a Training on the Local Government Act

Our institution Naymote Partners for Democratic Development on Saturday, May 22, 2021 held a one-day Local government training at the district #11 Town hall in Kebbah, District #11, Gardnerville, Montserrado County. The training was intended to popularized the Local Government Act and strengthen citizen’s participation in its implementation. A total of 50 community leaders and residents were in attendance including the district Lawmaker Hon. Richard N. Koon. 

The institution’s M&E Officer, Mr. Samuka L. Kabah provided a brief overview of the training and outlined the importance of citizen’s participation in the implementation of the Local Government Act.




He further noted that the LGA can only come into force if every community leader begins to engage local authorities and promote accountability and transparency. Also speaking at the program, Naymote Program Officer, Mr. Joshua D. Cleon, explained in detailed the functions of the county administration and the county council. He further noted that though the LGA have made some gains through the previous leadership, it is also important to continue engaging key stakeholders about the LGA.

Making brief remarks on the role of the legislature in the implementation of the LGA, the district lawmaker Hon. Richard Koon stated that the legislature has been very supportive in the enforcement of the LGA implementation and is willing to work with local government authorities and provide the needed support.

The training was interactive as participants asked specific questions, made recommendations and thanked Naymote for organizing such an impactful training. 







We will continue to engage local leaders and get them involved in the implementation of the Local Government Act.  

Thanks to the National Endowment for Democracy for funding this event.

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