Naymote Releases Second Edition of Legislative Digest Report

Please find the Link to the second edition of the Legislative Digest 2023 report

This second edition of the Legislative Digest covers the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022.  The assessment found that the Legislature held 167 sittings, of which 106 (63%) were regular sittings, 36 (22%) were secret/executive sittings, 9 (5%) were special sittings, 16 (10%) were extraordinary sittings. There were 29 public hearings held during the year.  All secret sittings were held by the House of Representatives.

The Legislature passed a total of 53 bills during the year 2022, of which 35 (66 %) originated from the Executive/presidency, 12 (23%) from the House of Representatives, and (11%) from the Senate.

The total budget allocated to the Legislature in 2022 amounted to USD 64,383,926.00. There is no publicly available financial report to account for the use of this money.  Popular demands to audit the financial records of the Legislature have yielded no results.

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