

— As YPLS Africa cohort-10 school opens The Swedish Ambassador to Liberia and Sierra Leone, Urban Sjostrom, has challenged young political leaders to stand tall against the ills in their societies. Sjostrom, who spoke at the opening of Cohort 10 of the Young Political Leadership School of Africa (YPLS), told the participants that citizens need...
The Young Political Leadership School Africa Cohort 10 officially opened today, August 21, 2023 in Monrovia, Liberia and held under the theme: “Promoting Youth and Women’s Participation in Political and Democratic Spaces”. The opening session was wonderful and graced by over 100 persons comprising high-profile guests, facilitators, YPLS Cohort 10 fellows, and YPLS alumni. Dignitaries...
In order to encourage a peaceful campaign ahead of general and presidential elections and mitigate violence within communities across Montserrado and other areas of Liberia, NAYMOTE-Liberia has commenced sharing peace messages via the Young Political Leadership School Africa (YPLSA) Alumni. The initiative taken by NAYMOTE-Liberia aims at promoting peace during this campaign period. The first...
Naymote-Liberia demonstrates their commitment to promoting transparency and accountability in the electoral process in Liberia has trained and deployed 15 observers across the country, ensuring that there is a wide coverage of monitoring during the elections. These observers will play a crucial role in observing and reporting any irregularities or violations that may occur during...
Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has begun tracking presidential campaign promises, which will be used to monitor the performance of the presidential candidate that will be elected on October 10, 2023. Naymote is a CSO that holds duty bearers accountable for the leadership they provide to the Liberian people, and for the presidency, the group...
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