NAYMOTE-LIBERIA/YPLSA Spread Messages of Peace

In order to encourage a peaceful campaign ahead of general and presidential elections and mitigate violence within communities across Montserrado and other areas of Liberia, NAYMOTE-Liberia has commenced sharing peace messages via the Young Political Leadership School Africa (YPLSA) Alumni.

The initiative taken by NAYMOTE-Liberia aims at promoting peace during this campaign period.

The first community visited was the Todee Community in Margibi County where Naymote and YPLS teams met with community leaders, including the Police commander, elders, youth leaders, and heads of women’s organizations. The purpose of this visit was to engage with the community members and foster a sense of trust and collaboration between them and the authorities.

The activity proved to be highly interactive as Naymote teams and the police actively participated in discussions and answered numerous questions from the public. The community members were eager to voice their concerns, share their experiences, and seek clarification on various issues related to security, governance, and community development.

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