Liberia: EU, Germany Support Training for CSOs of Political Parties (Daily Observer edition 09/07/2023)

The European Union (EU) and Germany are supporting Naymote Partners for Democratic Development to organize a BRIDGE Training program for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Political Parties in Liberia. 

The workshop, which focuses on Voter Information, Education, and Election Observation, aims to strengthen the capacity of these critical stakeholders ahead of the Liberian General Elections in 2023. 

This support is intended to complement the National Elections Commission’s (NEC) voter education initiatives. The EU and Germany remains unwavering in their support for the Commission’s efforts to hold inclusive credible elections in October.

Building Resources in Democracy, Governance, and Elections, or BRIDGE, is a highly regarded program created to improve the abilities and understanding of people and organizations involved in various election processes. 

This project demonstrates Germany’s and the EU’s dedication to advancing democratic norms and principles both domestically and internationally.

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