Naymote-Liberia Begins training of 1700 Election Day Observers

Taking part in one of Liberia’s largest election observation networks, Elections Coordinating Committee-ECC, Naymote officially began the training of election day observers in Bong and Lofa counties benefiting over 1700 observers.

Despite the challenges facing our electoral processes, Naymote-Liberia remains committed to ensuring a free and fair election process.

Naymote-Lberia goal is to promote transparency and accountability in the electoral system, fostering trust among the citizens of Liberia. By training our election day observers, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively monitor the voting process and report any irregularities or violations.

The training sessions cover various aspects of election observation, including understanding electoral laws, identifying voter intimidation tactics, and ensuring adherence to polling procedures. We emphasize the importance of neutrality and professionalism in carrying out their duties, reminding our observers that their role is crucial in upholding democracy.

Naymote recognizes that free and fair elections are fundamental to a thriving democracy. We believe that every citizen’s voice should be heard and their vote counted accurately. Through our observer network, we aim to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process by deterring fraud and promoting transparency.

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